Sample Reading: Celtic Cross for Rebecca
The name has been changed to protect the client’s privacy. But this what you can expect to receive as a standard reading:
For: Rebecca, November 30, 2013
Spread: Celtic Cross
Deck: Osho Zen Tarot
Question: General Outlook
Card Position |
Card Number |
Card Name |
1: Current Situation |
Queen of Fire (QF) |
Sharing |
2: Obstacles/Opportunities |
King of Clouds (KC) |
Control |
3: Highest ideal |
Queen of Water (QW) |
Receptivity |
4: What grounds you |
5 of Water (5W) |
Clinging to the past |
5: Energy leaving the situation |
I |
Existence |
6: Energy entering the situation |
Page of Fire (PF) |
Playfulness |
7: You, your attitude in your life situation |
VI |
The Lovers |
8: Your environment |
New Vision |
9: Your Best Hopes/Worst Fears |
IV |
The Rebel |
10: Final Outcome |
XX |
Beyond Illusion |
You have a generous heart, and have so much to give to others. (QF) There is nothing more gratifying to you than to help someone else. Making someone else’s day makes your day too 🙂 Your ideal life would have you creating your art, and selling it, having your shop do great business, and then turning right back around and spreading the joy with your friends, which are many. You have a sparkle about you, great charm, or so it would seem from all the stars on the pictures of this spread!
Unfortunately, there are so many other things that need to be taken care of, so you don’t get to engage in enough of what you want to do. Too much unpleasant stuff that demands to be done (KC). Such is the nature of the grind of this world, and the society in which we live. But it doesn’t seem like you’re letting it get to you too much, you have all of these other overwhelmingly positive cards in this reading!
Your highest ideal is to be enlightened, pretty much, to connect to the source of the light of the Universe. To have an open heart and truly be able to live in the moment, feeling all the feelings that need to be felt, but not allowing past pain and sorrow to linger and spoil the present moment, at least not for too long. To be present in what you are doing, and inspired in your art and having a fine-tuned intuition.
I think of the 4th position on this spread as your “toolkit”, what you have to draw upon to continue on your way, and it is that you have internalized your past experiences. You learn from your mistakes, for the most part, but you also understand that pain needs to be let go, and you strive for it. Some wounds run deep, especially those imprints that go back to our formative years, and they mark us for life, but one has to give it the good ol’ college try, right? You understand all this, as the Queen of Water shows.
The energy leaving the situation is the first Major arcana to show up on this spread, as we discussed, these are cards of higher significance than the minor arcana, which deal more with the mundane details of every day life, and it is I: Existence. In the traditional Rider-Waite tarot deck (pretty much the basic standard), this card is known as The Magician, and it represents having a sense of purpose to make things happen, and following through with it. You have a clear sense of what you are supposed to be doing in this world, and you are doing your darnedest so you can make it so.
The energy entering the situation is an active attitude of joy, you’re trying to get out there and spend more time with all those you care about, and generally enjoying life in the moment, and celebrating every second of it.
You are currently in love (IV), and it’s pretty obvious and all-encompassing right now. You are the most in love you remember being, and it feels true, and right. This probably has a lot to do with how wonderfully sunny and cheerful your cards are.
A heart full of love is a joyful heart indeed 🙂
Your environment is just so ripe with creative, wonderful people. Life just feels full of creative possibilities, and you are surrounded by individuals who are all sharing in this awareness of the true nature of existence. There is joy around you, and there will continue to be, I feel, since the image in the 8th position is pretty much in an identical position to the image in the 6th position.
Your Best Hope right now, since you are so, so giddily in love ;-D, is that your boyfriend does turn out to be the dependable, stable partner that you are hoping for, that he will be The One. On the flip side, your biggest fear is that he will not want to commit to you, and the more I think about it, the more it seems that the fear aspect of this card is what you need to bring attention to. Let go of this fear by accepting and understanding that when you truly love someone, you don’t try to own them. Don’t worry so much about whether he’s going to stick around, instead, rejoice in the fact that he is with you and enjoy the journey. I’m reminded of the song “Nice n’ Easy”, as Frank Sinatra recorded it. Check it out, and take it to heart 🙂 This will allow you to relax in his presence, and he will feel the ease in the tension, which will make him lower his guard a little more, and let you in closer.
The Final outcome card, and synthesis of the reading: You really have a very clear understanding of what’s going on in your life, and a clear vision of where you want to go. You understand that pain is an inevitable part of life, and you don’t cling to it in an unhealthy way. You are most definitely following you true calling and are being true to yourself.
All the Major Arcana and Court cards in your spread indicate to me that this is a very powerful transformational time for you, your life is going through a lot of changes, and it’s all very exciting. The momentum is in your favor, you just gotta stay true to your heart and things will continue to go well. Keep listening to your intuition, it’s steering you in the right direction!
Feedback from Rebecca
Thank you so much! This is incredible and it was wonderful meeting you. […] I was so astonished and pleased with your reading! You are quite gifted.